Get Ready to live

theSeven Experience

Un’ospitalità innata

For us, hospitality is more than just a service, it’s a core value we believe in and embody. We have been at the forefront of hospitality
in the city of Genoa for many years.

Discover our apartments
The seven palazzo lercari spinola

Benvenuti a Palazzo

We chose Palazzo Lercari Spinola as the home for our apartments, inviting you to stay in one of the most beautiful historic palaces in the city. This palace is part of the 42 buildings in the Rolli system, a UNESCO World Heritage site, symbolizing the grandeur of Genoa.
Dating back to the late 16th century, it was the residence of Giovanni Battista Lercari, a member of one of the most prominent Genoese families of the time.

For luxury seekers

Un tocco di blu

The selection of fabrics, all made in Italy, and the color schemes in our apartments are inspired by the color blue. Blue like the sea, an essential symbol of Genoa. And blue like jeans, which originated here, not in America as commonly thought. In the 15th century, a durable blue fabric was exported from Genoa, initially used for sails and tarps, and later for sailors’ trousers.

theSeven Genova arredo

Un occhio all'ambiente

Attention to detail, but also to the environment. We use no single-use plastics, only glass bottles, eco-certified toiletries, low-impact appliances and energy-saving light bulbs.

Our underfloor heating and cooling systems reduce energy waste and improve air quality by eliminating drafts, air pollution, and dust circulation. These systems are also the best and only solution suitable for historic buildings like ours.